Me and my man

Me and my man

Monday, March 30, 2015

Testimony of a Teenager

I have another dear friend (the second in as many weeks) whose daughter passed away Saturday night.  Sudden, tragic and heartbreaking.  Losing a child is such a devastating thing… My heart aches in empathy.  The pain is real and physical and oppressive.  I cannot imagine how her heart feels.

There were so many things that I wanted to tell her.  So much I had to say that just couldn't come out.  So much comfort I wanted to share but no words… I felt numb with sorrow.

As I sat at the carwash today, waiting, I opened Instagram on my phone.  Mind you that I do not have an account - it was logged into my 10 year old daughter's account.   As I scrolled thru the photos, I came across a picture of the Savior posted by a teenager we know, with a hash tag that said this,

"The Friday of the Savior's death was one of the darkest days in history.  The people mourned greatly for the loss of their Savior and all hope was lost; until Sunday came.  The glorious resurrection of the Savior brought joy and restored hope to everyone.  All of us will have Fridays… We will experience broken times and days full of sorrow, but Sunday will come.  The message of this wonderful Easter Season is that no matter how dark or how difficult our circumstances may be, Sunday will come!  The Savior loves each and every one of us whether you believe it or not.  He is there for you and He always will be.  Take the time this week to turn to Him and I promise you will feel of His love and His arms encircled around you." #becauseHelives

Such profound words from a teenage girl.  It was like medicine on a wound.  When had she written them?  Was she thinking of me?  Of my friend?  How could she have written all that I had in my heart that couldn't make it's way out?  Did she know she answered my prayers and gave me the words to give my friend?  Did she know she was God's instrument in delivering comfort?

I shared her words with my friend.  I couldn't even copy and paste them… I'm not that tech savvy.  I screen shot the post and just sent it as a text with a short explanation.

I'm not sure who received the most comfort from those words but I know their effect on me was profound.  That beautiful teenager used her social media for good - to testify truth.  And from her to the Instagram of my 10 year old, to me in a carwash, to my bereaved friend, her message moved thru this world blessing all those it touched.

Thank you Lindsay.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing that! I have tears streaming down my face. I am blessed to be the mother of that beautiful teenager. She is always like that. I love the peace that comes from turning to Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. Sending lots of love and prayers to you and to your friend's family. xoxoxo
